Law in a nutshell
Regulatory risk and compliance is the hot topic for the SRA. The heady days of a risk-based, outcomes-focused, “it’s OK if at least you can show you’re trying” approach to compliance, seem a long time ago. The risk management and compliance culture of the firm, and the role of an effective Compliance Officer for Legal Practice (COLP), has never been more crucial if firms are not to fall foul of the regulator. Who would be a COLP – well at least not if you’re expected to do it all by yourself, with no time and resources, and expected to perform miracles!
What's covered?
A COLPs responsibilites, having a risk culture in the firm, being a COLP in practice and useful resources.
Estimated length
20 mins
Recommended knoweldge level
All levels
Knowledge check
3 questions at the end to check your understanding